Fluid Intake:
The first thing that a
dialysis patient should not do is to drink too much water especially when
his/her urine output is low or very low because this could cause Edema
(swelling) of the legs and other body parts. The worst that a dialysis patient
can get from drinking too much water is Pulmonary Edema wherein water could
enter the lung cavity resulting to difficulty in breathing and high blood
pressure. If the situation becomes serious the lung could not anymore function
properly and the last resort for the doctor is Intubation (putting a tube in
the trachea of the patient to facilitate breathing with the help of a
manual/mechanical pump). Too much water volume of the blood strain the heart as
it tries to pump the excess water and it could result to enlargement of the
heart or heart failure. The question is how much water is too much? For
dialysis patients with low or very low urine output they should drink not more
than one liter per day or preferably less.
To avoid
drinking too much water, the dialysis patient should try licking small ice
stick to quench his/her thirst. Water molecules in ice have already expanded
and less water is contained in a certain volume compared to its liquid state.
The dialysis patients should also avoid eating watery fruits like water melon,
mango, banana, avocado, pineapple, oranges and papaya. The water content in
these fruits is high and could contribute to the increase in the water intake
of the patient. Eating too much cooked rice also contain high amount of water. The
dialysis patient should sip small amount of water from the glass or mug and
he/she should avoid frequent drinking of coffee or soft drinks. The patient
should avoid salty foods as salt could cause water retention and will aggravate
Edema. The patient should avoid sipping too much soup as this may contain
too much salt and water. The dialysis patient should eat fruit with less water
content like apple. The patient should regularly monitor his/her blood
pressure as well as his/her blood sodium. Low blood sodium value result to low
blood pressure and prone to painful cramps and Hypo-tension. High blood sodium
value result to high blood pressure because of constriction of the blood
vessels that could strain the heart resulting to either stroke, coma or death.
High Phosphorous Toxicity:
The second thing that
a dialysis patient should watch for is Phosphorous. This mineral is found in
almost all the foods that we eat and too much phosphorous in the body of the
patient is dangerous because it is very toxic and could cause weakening of the
bones or osteoporosis. Phosphorous may also deplete the amount of Calcium in
the blood. Phosphorous binds with Calcium in the body that forms abrasive
Calcium Phosphate crystals which finds its way in the skin causing it to itch
and rupture with constant scratching. Cracks in the skin could be infected
causing Cellulitis (painful infection of the skin and if left untreated it
becomes life threatening as it may reach the bloodstream) which is treated with
strong anti-biotic that could harm the liver. Always remember that it is the
liver that replaces the function of the kidneys in breaking down and excreting
harmful chemicals. Calcium Phosphate crystals are also deposited between soft
tissues and joints causing pain and weakness. Calcification of organs such as
the heart leads to heart disease and eventual death of the patient. To control
Phosphorous, the dialysis patient should take at most 1,500 mg of calcium
carbonate per day depending on how high is your phosphorous level. These can be
taken either before, during and after eating. Calcium binds with Phosphorous in
eaten foods in the digestive tract and excreted together with the stool. The
other effective Phosphate binder is Sevelamer which is expensive (P80-P100 per
tablet). This acts as a sponge and absorb the phosphorous in food in the
stomach and also excreted with the stool. This tablet can be taken either
before, during and after meals; but not more than 30 minutes after eating. The
patient should monitor his/her serum or blood Calcium and Phosphorous level.
Too much Calcium in the blood causes kidney stones or harmful deposits in the
heart and artery. The patient should also avoid foods rich in Phosphorous like
dairy product, chocolate, beans and nuts. Red meats are also rich in
Hyper - Kalemia or High Serum Potassium:
The third
important element that a dialysis patient should watch for is Potassium. Too
much Potassium in the blood is also dangerous because it could stop the beating
of the heart causing heart attack and possible death of the patient. Potassium
in large doses is used in jail inmates with death sentence to execute and kill
them. Overdose of Potassium is less painful compared to electric execution.
Foods rich in Potassium are: banana, avocado, papaya, mango, pineapple,
oranges, potato, tomato, squash and other green leafy vegetables. The dialysis
patient could eat small amounts of these foods only but not on a regular basis
as Potassium could accumulate in the blood before dialysis. Patients who
suffered Myocardial Infarction or heart attack (injury of heart muscle due to
lack of oxygen) have high Potassium level in the blood and should undergo
regular dialysis. Foods rich in Potassium supplements such as catsup should
also be avoided.
Cholesterol level:
The dialysis
patient should properly choose the fat he/she eats. Foods rich in cholesterol
and uric acid should be avoided such as: fatty meats like pork, beef and
chicken skin. Processed coconut oil and other vegetable oil are also rich in
cholesterol. Cholesterol is deposited in the arteries and veins causing
blockage which result to high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack. Fats
that are allowed are corn oil, canola oil, and olive oil. They are rich in
omega fatty acid which is good for the heart. As the usual practice, patients
should consume only small amount of the cholesterol rich oils found in foods
such as fried vegetables and fish but should avoid eating, potato fries, milk
shakes and ice cream for they contain more harmful fats per serving. The
patient should monitor on a regular basis his/her cholesterol level or
triglycerides so he/she can take the proper medicine if the level is high.
Blood Uric Acid (BUA):
Dialysis patient should avoid eating too much of fish with no scales such as tuna and animal organs because it contains high amount of uric acid. Uric acid causes gout and arthritis and helps in the formation of hard kidney stones. The derivative of uric acid which is purine is rich in animal organs, some type of fish, beans and nuts, some green leafy vegetables and fruits.
Uremia or too much toxic wastes in the blood:
The dialysis
patient should eat moderate amount of red meat such as pork and beef. Eating
too much animal protein could lead to Uremia (high level of nitrogenous waste
in the blood) which if left untreated will lead to confusion, convulsion,
excessive vomiting, coma and even death.
Monthly Laboratory Tests:
One of the
most important routine or practice that a dialysis patient should do is to
check his blood count especially the Hemoglobin and Red Blood Cells for it
indicates if the patient should be transfused with blood or not. Almost all of
dialysis patients are Anemic and have below normal level of Hemoglobin. This is
because it is the normal kidney that produces Erythropoietin (helps in the
production of Red Blood Cells in the blood). Once the kidneys are damaged,
production of Erythropoietin is affected and the same is true for Hemoglobin
and the Red Blood Cells, thus causing Anemia. To maintain acceptable values of
Hemoglobin, the dialysis patient should inject synthetic Erythropoietin Alpha
or Beta two to three times per week at Hemoglobin value of ten or below while
only once or twice a week for Hemoglobin value of more than 10 but not to
exceed 12. If the Hemoglobin is high, 13 and above, the patient is at risk of
having a stroke because Erythropoietin has a tendency to thicken the blood. The
patient should stop injecting Erythropoietin. Optimum Hemoglobin value is at
11. For Erythropoietin to be effective, the patient should take organic iron
supplements. Iron and Hemoglobin help in the distribution of oxygen in cells
and tissues. Regular monthly or bi-weekly monitoring of the Hemoglobin is very
important to prevent the patient having blood transfusion which increases
his/her risk of acquiring hepatitis infection. Patient infected with hepatitis
is not anymore accepted in some dialysis centers/clinics with no isolated
machine for hepatitis patients. Also, patients with very low Hemoglobin cannot
be dialyzed since he/she can strain his/her heart and may die while dialyzing.
Patients should check their iron in their blood every three months.
The Dialysis Access:
The dialysis
access (it is where the dialysis needles are inserted or connected) of the
patient is very important since it is the connection of the patient and the
dialysis machine. Without the access, there is no way for the patient to be
dialyzed and he/she is in danger of becoming uremic and will die if his/her
blood is not cleaned. New dialysis patients have their access either on the
neck, wrist or thigh. Few patients have a functioning fistula (artery and vein
joined together to make the vein large enough for needle insertion) before the
onset of dialysis. Proper care of the dialysis access is very important to
prevent infection which could lead to sepsis (severe infection of the blood).
This is done by regular cleaning using Povidine Iodine (Betadine) solution and
anti-biotic ointment. Symptoms of infected access are shivering (feeling very
cold) and fever during dialysis. The fistula that is infected means it cannot
be used during dialysis such that a new emergency dialysis access should be
inserted either in the neck or thigh.
Heart Care:
Dialysis patients should also take care of their heart by having chest x-ray and 2D Echo- cardiogram once in a while or when you feel pain or something not ordinary in your chest or experiencing difficulty in breathing. In dialysis, it is the heart that always compensates when you have low hemoglobin and RBC, high blood pressure, too much fluid in the blood or lungs, fast flow rate of the dialysis machine and when too much fluid is taken from your body and you are already dehydrated. The patient should feel if his/her heart is already stressed and should tell the nurse to lower the blood flow rate of the dialysis machine or lower the set goal of fluid to be taken. The most important is for the patient to discipline himself/herself to avoid drinking too much fluid and eating the right foods in their allowed quantity.
Prevention of infection:
Dialysis patients usually have a compromised immune system or they are prone to infections like pneumonia. When the patient has a persistent cough with yellow phlegm for two to three weeks, this is a sign that he/she has a lung infection and should have an x-ray to confirm the diagnosis. Early detection and treatment is ideal to prevent complications such as sepsis (an infection of the blood). A monthly Complete Blood Count (CBC) or urinalysis will also help in the early diagnosis of infection(s). To prevent lung infection, the patient should wear a face mask while in the dialysis room especially if in-patients and out-patients have their dialysis at the same time (big hospitals have separate dialysis rooms for in-patients and out-patients). Wearing a face mask while in dialysis is important since some virus and bacteria is present in the air or they are lodged in air-con filters and dislodged into the air later. In-patients are also exposed to hospital acquired infections that are already immune to some anti-biotic and are difficult to treat. The patient should also wear a face mask if he/she is with many people like movie-houses, mall and other gatherings.
Important Remarks:
The dialysis
patient should develop his/her discipline of the mind and body by proper and
regular (but not strenuous) exercises such as stretching, bending and brisk
walking. This enhances proper disposition and keep the body healthy (with
sufficient dialysis of two or more dialysis sessions per week). The patient
should also grow in spirit to enhance awareness and acceptance and make him/her
always hopeful that there is still life during dialysis. He/she should firmly
believe that with God nothing is impossible and he will be cured of his
disease. Of course this should be done with fewer expectations. With proper
discipline the dialysis patient should realize that following his/her diet is
not difficult if he/she believes that one should eat properly in order to live
and not live to over eat foods that could aggravate his condition.
With proper discipline the dialysis patient should realize that following his/her diet is not difficult if he/she believes that one should eat to live and not live to eat. #dialysis, #dialysis practices
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