Saturday, May 30, 2020

COVID 19: A Review

     Soon, an anti-body that will inhibit the proliferation of the COVID 19 virus will be mass produced and available to every patient that is COVID 19 positive; and this will finally deliver a Coup de Grace on the virus. However, if we look at the COVID 19 as a natural occurring virus (not man-made), it also has a weakness like every known virus has. In fact, the healthy human body has the ability to fight even the COVID 19 by producing anti-bodies that will control the reproduction of the virus and this is shown by many Asymptomatic COVID 19 positive individuals. Recent studies about the COVID 19 indicate that eighty (80) per cent of tested persons that are positive are Asymptomatic (without symptoms but positive with the virus).

     Following the rules of the immune system, the healthy human body can fight any infection, whether it is bacteria or virus, as long as it is not overwhelmed, meaning, the infection is only minor (few bacteria or virus has invaded the body) giving time for the body to produce anti-bodies that will control the infection. In case of major infection, anti-biotic or anti-viral drugs are necessary to heal the patient.

     This is true for Asymptomatic COVID 19 positive individuals. I believe that these individuals has  been infected  with  only  few  viruses  and fortunately  they  have a healthy  immune system that  developed anti-bodies that controlled the reproduction of more viruses that could harm the body resulting to death if not treated properly.

     I also believe that these Asymptomatic individuals are carriers of already weakened COVID 19 viruses that if they get transmitted to healthy COVID 19 negative individuals, there is a great chance that they will also become Asymptomatic until such time that they have developed full immunity that will make them negative to any virus test.

     Those positive individuals who got fresh and strong virus from symptomatic patients through cough or sneeze are not so lucky because the virus has replicated itself inside the body so rapidly that the immune system was overwhelmed causing severe inflammation of the tissues of the lungs causing difficulty in breathing.  
     I am not saying that we should not fear COVID 19 anymore. We should continue practising the current safety measures such as staying at home, social distancing, wearing facemask and protective gear and regular washing or sterilizing of the hands. As much as possible, we should not touch our eyes, nose and mouth because they are the entry points of the virus. We are doing these not only for ourselves but also for others especially those who are already sick from: diabetes, kidney and heart disease, etc. whose immune system is already compromised. We are also doing these measures for the very young and the elderly who are susceptible to COVID 19.

     The COVID 19 is so virulent because it has the ability to survive for a long period of time in various types of surfaces making it an effective method of transmission to many people. It is almost impossible to avoid contamination from the virus however minor or major it is. Nature has its way of establishing balance or stability through its sterling rule: “Survival of the fittest and elimination of the unfit.” This rule is very harsh for humans like us. We are not purely animals so considering our positive side, we are compassionate, merciful, loving and we like to preserve life. As much as possible, we should care for the weak by nourishing and protecting them.

     The COVID 19 has shown its “Achilles Heel”, all we have to do is to make ourselves safe and be patient and hopeful that time will come when we will live our normal life again.