Sunday, February 9, 2020

The nCoV Phenomena

Like the SARS, the current nCoV outbreak is a test of the Global Disease Control ability, through their personnel and facilities, to contain a deadly virus that could endanger not only the health of persons but the Global Economy itself. It has demonstrated how a certain province or community behaved and coped with the circumstances in a locked down state. With their insights, the authorities once again have had the chance to fine tune their capabilities in fighting a deadly organism.

We are lucky because the nCoV do not have the capability to attach itself to the colloidal particles in the air, making it an airborne organism that can be contacted by breathing contaminated air. Once it has lodged itself on the air particles, it becomes dormant and get active again when it enters a live and favorable host. The nCoV becomes temporarily airborne through the droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. You should not be within a two meter perimeter when that happens or else you also get infected by the virus.

The most threatening with the nCoV is through person to person contact. When an infected person kiss you or you have touched his hand through handshake. The contaminated fluid from the nose of an infected person can be tranferred when he touches his nose and he touch something else. Things like door knob and anything that the infected person used or touched is a likely source of infection.

Heaven forbids when nCoV has infected a dense community like the squatters area. This will surely give the government authorities a head ache because contamination will be rapid because the people are very near each other and isolation of infected people will be difficult when it is in hundreds.

Another grim scenario is when the nCoV has infected insects or animals that could also possibly infect persons through their bites or their meats.

We are confident that through the best efforts of the government and other institutions that the nCov will be contained safely. Just like the SARs, the nCoV will eventually die down.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Total Human Development

     Modern definition of what man is revolves around four aspects: Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. We have a physical body similar to animals whose instincts are to eat and drink when hungry or thirsty, fight or run when threatened, needs shelter when feeling cold or hot and has a desire for domination and sex or procreation. Man has something which other animals do not have and that is the capacity to think and that is the mental aspect. Man has the capacity to analize, develop and build things that will meet his basic needs and he has the capacity to organize and rationalize. Unlike animals, man is an emotional being: he can feel happy, sad, angry or fearful, disgusted and surprised. On the higher realm man has the capacity to love that binds things. Man is also an artistic being and has the capacity to express his emotions, belief and perception based on his environment and feelings. Man is also innovative and creative. Man   also have an spiritual aspect which serves as a connection to the source of all things: the Almighty, the most Divine – God. The Spiritual aspect resides on a different plane and is difficult to understand or comprehend unless man is fully aware, mature, enlightened and started to learn the workings of the Spirit. This is far more complex and greater than engaging in religious beliefs, rituals and scientific endeavours. It goes beyond the known senses of man. When scientists tried to look at the smallest level or the nano level of an atom they found out that particles behave differently from the normal laws of physics, meaning something is beyond what we can see. Scientists can estimate or calculate the boundaries of the Universe but cannot determine what is beyond the vastness of Space.

     Man has started to be aware that it is not right to focus only on the Physical and Mental aspects. He should consider all four aspects including the Emotional and Spiritual aspects in order to achieve full development. From the beginning man has concentrated his effort on how to live comfortably using his physical and mental capabilities. He learned how to build houses, roads, bridges, skycrapers, airports with machines that he designed. He formulated an economic system based on finances, resources, consumerism and capitalism which resulted to the so called Economic/Infrastructure Development which also resulted to the proliferation of deceit, murder, and distrust. Man will hold on to power and money even if he commits evil deeds. Even if this will destroy his family and friends. Even if other people will suffer. Even if his environment and nature will be destroyed. Due to excessive materialism, he became numb and blind to what he truly feels and what is really happening around him. These resulted to misunderstanding, wars, addiction, pollution and various diseases. There is no harmony and balance.

   It is clear now through various experiences and mistakes that to achieve Total Human Development, man has to balance the four aspects (Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual). Excess focus on only one or two aspects will result to disaster. This balanced state does not happen overnight it takes years of practice and discipline with the right values and principles.

    It is not too late to change for the better. It is important that we are starting to be aware and learning to accept our strengths and weaknesses and try to change what we can and acknowledge what we cannot do. We are created on the image of God. Man has to exert his best effort in learning, doing what is right and continue striving for high ideals.