Sunday, June 14, 2020

COVID 19: My Point of View Part 2

COVID 19: My Point of View Part 2

What happens when you get infected with the COVID 19 virus?
When the virus gets in your eyes, it travels to a drainage system connected to the nose. Once it is lodge inside the nose, the virus undergoes an incubation period of 7 to 14 days. During the period from 1 to 5 days, the infected person will show no symptoms. After this, the person will have common symptoms such as dry cough, hoarse voice, difficulty in breathing, fever and diarrhea. After 14 days of the virus infection, the patient either recovers or dies from the disease.

Those COVID 19 patients who  recover will undergo an Asymptomatic Stage where they will show no symptoms but still carriers of the virus until such time they are fully immune to COVID 19 and will test negative to Swab Test.

I would like to make it clear that the Pre-symptomatic (the period from 1 to 5 days) COVID 19 Persons cannot be called Asymptomatic Persons simply because they have not yet passed the 14 days incubation period.

These Pre-Symptomatic Individuals are probable carriers of fresh and strong COVID 19 viruses that are deadly and could infect other people in the community or other places if they travel since they still have no symptoms and are free from quarantine measures. Symptomatic Persons are detected and are forced to be quarantined or hospitalized depending on their conditon (mild or severe).

Unlike with the Asymptomatic Persons that are undergoing the process of immunity and the COVID 19 viruses inside them are weakening or dying since they cannot anymore replicate themselves due to the action of the anti-bodies that are formed by the immune system. 

Another aspect that I want to write about is the stage of the COVID 19 virus when the person have acquired it. As I have written in my recent blog: COVID 19: A Review (please visit:, viruses acquired from Asymptomatic Persons are already weak and dying. It follows that virus infection from weak and dying viruses are not fatal. The infected persons become asymptomatic themselves until such time that they are fully immune to the virus such that they will test negative to a swab test.

The same is true for COVID 19 viruses which have stayed long enough in certain types of surfaces. They have already weakened (maybe there is a change in their chemical composition) and are not anymore deadly compared to fresh and strong viruses that came from Pre-Symptomatic and Symptomatic Persons.

Persons infected with weak viruses are more lucky compared to those infected with fresh and strong viruses who are not so lucky.

I would like to point out that these are my personal beliefs based on studies I have researched and following scientific facts about immunology. Still, I could be wrong, most likely if, the COVID 19 is man-made and "engineered" to be deadly to humans.  I am entitled to my beliefs and I don't force anyone to believe what I believe.  I staunchly advocate the safety measures to avoid getting infected by COVID 19 that are implemented by the health authorities and the government. Stay safe, hopeful and strong. We will overcome these trying times.

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